UNM's Levan Khabeishvili thanks USA
UNM's Levan Khabeishvili thanks USA

Thanks to the United States of America for the support of the Georgian people, Chairman of the United National Movement Levan Khabeishvili posted on the social network.

“Georgian Dream members, parliamentarians who voted for the Russian law, and police officers who dispersed peaceful demonstrators were sanctioned by the United States of America, which announced that this was just the first tranche. Which investor will enter or stay in such a country? Economic collapse is inevitable under Ivanishvili’s rule. The maliciousness of Ivanishvili’s team affects the pockets of Georgian citizens. I thank the United States of America for the support of the Georgian people”, Levan Khabeishvili posted.

The US Department of State spokesperson, Matthew Miller, announced visa restrictions on dozens of Georgian citizens. According to him, the first tranche includes members of the Georgian Dream, members of parliament, law enforcement officers and individuals.