UNM Bokuchava: Ivanishvili's claim that Trump's victory could restore US relations is a lie
UNM Bokuchava: Ivanishvili's claim that Trump's victory could restore US relations is a lie

“Ivanishvili’s propaganda that Trump’s victory in elections could restore relations with the USA is a complete lie and another attempt to deceive the Georgian people,” Tina Bokuchava, chair of the opposition United National Movement party, stated at a briefing following her visit to the United States.

During her visit to the US, Bokuchava attended the Republican Party Congress in Milwaukee. During this event, Donald Trump was officially nominated as the Republican presidential candidate.

“The leadership of the Republican Party firmly supports the Euro-Atlantic choice of the Georgian people,” Bokuchava stated. “Ivanishvili’s propaganda that electing Trump as US President could restore relations with the USA is false. The restoration of these relations is possible only with a change of government in Georgia.”

She highlighted that the initiative to impose sanctions on Ivanishvili and his circle in Congress was spearheaded by Trump supporter Congressman Joe Wilson and had bipartisan backing.

“The US policy towards Ivanishvili’s government has bipartisan support. Therefore, relations can only be restored by replacing Ivanishvili’s anti-Western and anti-American government with a democratic pro-Western, pro-American, and pro-European coalition government.

Donald Trump, in his speech at the Congress, addressed Russia’s invasion of Georgia and clearly stated his strict policy towards Russia. The strategic interests of Donald Trump and Ivanishvili cannot align, as Ivanishvili supports Russia’s victory while Trump stands for a powerful America and a strong alliance with the West and Ukraine. Furthermore, Trump opposes the strengthening of Chinese influence, while Ivanishvili expelled the Americans from the port of Anaklia and supported a Chinese company sanctioned by the USA in constructing a strategic port on the Black Sea,” Bokuchava asserted.