Unity-National Movement says GD's stay in power leads to Georgia's isolation
Unity-National Movement says GD's stay in power leads to Georgia's isolation

“We need unity not to move toward poverty, full isolation, the upcoming elections are decisive,” said Giorgi Vashadze, one of the leaders of the Unity-National Movement coalition.

According to Vashadze, the Georgian Dream’s staying in power will mean Georgia’s stripping of visa-free travel with the European Union, the information reported on September 20.

“On the one hand, this is about the suspension of visa-free travel and financing and on the other hand, sanctions to be possible imposed on Bidzina Ivanishvili that would not only be personal but would mean Georgia’s economic collapse, the way which will put Georgia in isolation,” he said.

Vashadze further explained that by sanctioning Ivanishvili, Georgia is deprived of visa-free travel with Europe, and millions of financing from European and US institutions.

“Therefore, October 26 is a decisive day. Based on all public polls, the Georgian Dream loses, but we need unity not to go toward poverty and isolation but forward to development, the EU. We should have EU passports, receive 14 billion and what is most important, we should say no to individuals who cooperate with Russian intelligence services. These elections will be decisive,” he said.