Unity-National Movement rejects apologies, embraces dignity
Unity-National Movement rejects apologies, embraces dignity

“No to apologies, and yes to dignity! Yes to Georgia’s unity, European aspirations, and the restoration of our territorial integrity, starting with Georgia’s accession to the European Union,” declared Giorgi Vashadze, a leader of the Unity-National Movement coalition.

Vashadze stated that insulting patriots and apologizing to adversaries equates to treason and disgrace, which must end by October 26.

He believes that residents beyond the occupation line aspire to obtain EU passports and live freely in Georgia.

“Georgia has always been a nation of dignified people, and we will wash away this shame brought upon us by our current government in just one month, on October 26. The disgrace of the Georgian Dream, which blames our country for the war and apologizes to our adversaries, will be defeated,” he affirmed.