Unity leader asks PM if he plans to apologize for blocking $95 million in assistance while engaging with Hezbollah and Hamas leaders
Unity leader asks PM if he plans to apologize for blocking $95 million in assistance while engaging with Hezbollah and Hamas leaders

“Irakli Kobakhidze, I am addressing you personally. Due to the consequences of your actions and those of your government, $95 million in assistance has been blocked for Georgia. The costs for Russian legislation are becoming more and more expensive for our state,” said Giorgi Vashadze, one of the leaders of the opposition Unity political bloc.

In a public address, Vashadze criticized Kobakhidze and called his action anti-Georgian.

“In one day, you blocked 95 million dollars in assistance with one hand while shaking the other with the leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas, who do not recognize Georgia’s territorial integrity and consider Abkhazia and Samachablo as independent states. Irakli, will you apologize to the Georgian people for this? By blocking 95 million dollars and simultaneously meeting with leaders of organizations recognized as terrorists by many, you have acted against Georgia’s interests.

Is this not an anti-Georgian act? Will you apologize for it? How much more must Georgia suffer from adopting Russian laws? How much more should the Georgian people be impoverished because of your actions? The blocked funds could have been spent on a 10% salary increase for civil servants or writing off pension loans for retirees. Your actions risk leading Georgia towards bankruptcy.

Will you, once again, apologize to the Georgian people for engaging with those who do not respect Georgia’s territorial integrity? Is this not an anti-national move on your part as Prime Minister?” Vashadze said.