UNiDAYS names Tbilisi as most attractive city to travel by students in 2024
UNiDAYS names Tbilisi as most attractive city to travel by students in 2024

The poll of UNiDAYS, the world’s largest student network, named Tbilisi as the most attractive city to travel by students during their holidays in 2024, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development reported.

Deputy Head of the National Tourism Administration, Tamar Koriauli, hailed naming Tbilisi as the best tourist destination by students. She said it means that Tbilisi is getting more popular among international students. 

“We plan to continue marketing campaigns and other activities to attract more tourists to the country,” she said. 

The 2024 Students Travel Index of UNiDAYS where Tbilisi ranks first place is based on different factors such as accommodation prices, tourist attractions, group activities, security rating, prices for food products, etc. 

UNiDAYS is a website founded in 2011 offering discounts and offers to higher education students. The site is available in 114 countries and requires university email verification to access promotions. 800 brands divided into 5 categories are offered on UNiDAYS, to the 20 million students registered around the world.