Tbilisi Mayor: Only Georgian Dream fights for European integration
Tbilisi Mayor: Only Georgian Dream fights for European integration

Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze stated that the Georgian Dream is the only force in the country actively working towards Georgia’s integration into the European Union. According to Kaladze, the opposition is intentionally undermining the country’s European aspirations.

“We should all understand one thing: these are the enemies of this country. They act in the interests of other countries, taking orders from their chiefs, and their actions are not in Georgia’s best interest. We remember their actions and emails to MEPs before signing the association agreement; their opposition during the adoption of visa liberalization; their direct calls for the country not to receive candidate status; and their attempts to hinder the opening of negotiations. Everything they do aims to harm the country and its European future. The Georgian Dream is the only force fighting for Georgia’s European integration. Every step forward, including visa liberalization, the association agreement, and candidate status, has been achieved by Georgian Dream since 2012, in collaboration with our population,” said Kakha Kaladze.

He also mentioned that Georgia has submitted and is fulfilling the necessary conditions for opening EU membership negotiations, and it is now up to Europe to initiate these talks.

The members of the National Movement, Ana Tsitlidze and Levan Bezhashvili, along with Oleksiy Goncharenko and other politicians, attempted to limit Georgia’s membership in the Council of Europe. However, their amendment was not included in the Council of Europe’s resolution. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted the resolution related to Georgia on June 27.