Strategy Aghmashenebeli leader says party "very transparent"
Strategy Aghmashenebeli leader says party "very transparent"

“Our party is very transparent, we always submit reports on time and there are no questions about our financing. There should be questions to those corrupted individuals who rob the country at the expense of people, and they will be responded to on October 26,” said Giorgi Vashadze, leader of Unity – National Movement.

According to Giorgi Vashadze, the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party is “deep in a corruption swamp,” its leaders fly for shopping by special flights and the Anti-Corruption Bureau is engaged in “justifying their corruption.”

“Everything is obvious. Georgia lives in this unfairness. Our party is very transparent, we always submit reports on time and there are no questions about our financing. There should be questions to those corrupted individuals who rob the country at the expense of people and they will receive a response on October 26,” he said.

Head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau Razhden Kupradze said at the news briefing that several opposition parties fail to comply with financial transparency requirements.

According to Razhden Kupradze, through monitoring, the Bureau determined that political parties European Georgia-Movement for Freedom, Yes to Europe-Strategy Aghmashenebeli, United National Movement, Girchi-For More Freedom, Strong Georgia-Lelo, For People, For Freedom, Elene Khoshtaria-Droa and New Unity-Gvaramia, Melia fully or partially made their finances transparent.