Speaker warns of foreign influence schemes in Georgian politics
Speaker warns of foreign influence schemes in Georgian politics

“We will hold elections in several months and, as it seems, there are foreign schemes of influence in Georgian politics,” said Georgian Parliament Speaker, Shalva Papuashvili, urging the media to reveal non-governmental organizations, which are “affiliated with certain political parties.”

The Speaker described “meddling of foreign money in politics” as “problematic.” He said the opposition Droa was both the party and a non-governmental organization founded by the same person Elene Khoshtaria.

According to the Speaker, Khoshtaria admitted herself that her NGO was financed by the European Foundation for Democracy.

Shalva Papuashvili went on to say that the same Foundation financed Shame Movement and paid bail for the release of the UNM’s former chair, Nika Melia. He stated that funding from this foundation was secret in Georgia.

“Funding parties from abroad is prohibited. We will hold elections in several months and as it seems there are foreign schemes to influence Georgian politics. Significantly, journalists should reveal all non-governmental organizations, which are affiliated with certain parties and I assure you there are many of them. See and ask politicians whose interests they serve, Georgian people or those who finance them,” Papuashvili said.