Speaker: Ukrainian people's fight for freedom and independence is example of great struggle
Speaker: Ukrainian people's fight for freedom and independence is example of great struggle

“Two years on, the world follows the severe war in the heart of Europe that brought casualties of tens of thousands of people and destruction,” said Parliament Speaker, Shalva Papuashvili.

According to the Speaker, Georgia, together with the international community, calls on Russia to stop military intervention and stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

“The Ukrainian people’s fight for freedom and independence is an example of great struggle. Georgia stands in solidarity with Ukrainian people in this unequal war,” the Speaker said.

Shalva Papuashvili stated that despite risks and threats to Georga’s security, the country unconditionally supported Ukraine on all political platforms.

“We want to call on the civilized world, those who could influence stopping this bloody conflict, to spare no effort and act in the best interests of Ukraine,” said Shalva Papuashvili.