Speaker: Threat regarding visa restrictions unserious; we heard of two dozen unidentified Georgians sanctioned
Speaker: Threat regarding visa restrictions unserious; we heard of two dozen unidentified Georgians sanctioned

“Both the threat and the statement regarding visa restrictions were not serious. Yesterday, we heard that some two dozen unidentified Georgians were sanctioned,” said Shalva Papuashvili, the Georgian Parliament Speaker.

“Instead of the US government working to improve the relationship between our countries, we see frivolous steps that do not befit such a large country.

The Georgian people have shown nothing but friendship to America, the American people, and the American government for 30 years. Unfortunately, we receive such frivolous statements or decisions in response to this friendship,” Papuashvili stated.

He highlighted that the most interesting aspect was not the visa restrictions but the opposition’s reaction.

“We have individuals in the opposition who can completely change everything with just a raised eyebrow from a foreign country. For them, the primary concern is not the interests of their own country but the raised eyebrow and the words of the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the foreign country.

Therefore, on October 26, the Georgias will make a decisive judgment on this treacherous opposition, which has no genuine connection to Georgia. Their only Georgian attributes are their names, while the rest are mere puppets in the hands of foreign powers. They were like this until 2012, when they were in power, acting as puppets for others, and they continue to be puppets in the opposition now.

The Georgian people will not tolerate puppet governments. That is why the opposition will finally be sanctioned on October 26,” declared Shalva Papuashvili.

The US Department of State Spokesperson, Matthew Miller, announced visa restrictions on dozens of Georgian citizens. According to him, the first tranche includes members of the Georgian Dream, MPs, law enforcement officers and individuals.