Speaker says EU provides asylum to wanted ex-defence minister 
Speaker says EU provides asylum to wanted ex-defence minister 

“When we speak about European values, we should not forget that ex-defence minister Davit Kezerashvili, charged with stealing money from the Georgian army by the Georgian court of all instances, is provided asylum by the European Union,” wrote Shalva Papuashvili, Parliament Speaker on Facebook.

According to Papuashvili, providing asylum to the criminal is not a European value.

“As he (Kezerashvili) admits, he finances NGOs and media with the stolen money in Georgia. Providing asylum to the criminal is not a European value, as we, Georgians, believe,” he said.

Former Defense Minister Davit Kezerashvili is wanted in Georgia for embezzlement of state funds during his time in office between 2006-2008.