Speaker raises concerns over covert financing of political parties and radical groups through European funds
Speaker raises concerns over covert financing of political parties and radical groups through European funds

“When we hear the demands of French or German politicians, an opposite question arises: why is their taxpayers’ money being spent secretly in Georgia?” stated Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.

The Speaker expressed concerns about the covert financing of political parties and radical groups in Georgia through European funds, calling it a challenge for the country.

“Why aren’t Germany, France, and other EU member states, along with their embassies, taking action to ensure transparency in this money spending?” he questioned.

“What is the standard when the EU covertly finances political parties and radical groups in a partner or candidate country? This involves EU money being channelled through the European Endowment for Democracy in secrecy, which serves to encourage radical groups and finance political parties.

This Fund became involved in a scandal when it was accidentally revealed that fines were being paid to individuals who attacked the police and parliament. By the way, ongoing legal processes involve an attack on parliament and law enforcement officers. NGOs should be interested in whether the European Union inadvertently pays fines for these lawbreakers, potentially encouraging further misconduct,” the Speaker stated.