Speaker: Our European journey is one we share with our Abkhaz and Ossetian compatriots, beginning with reconciliation
Speaker: Our European journey is one we share with our Abkhaz and Ossetian compatriots, beginning with reconciliation

During a regional event for the Georgian Dream election campaign in Rustavi, Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili highlighted the significance of reconciliation with Abkhaz and Ossetian fellow citizens on the path to European integration.

“Our European journey is one we share with our Abkhaz and Ossetian compatriots, beginning with reconciliation. This road delineates brotherhood from enmity, the desire for war from the regret of war, the perpetrator from the victim.

It’s challenging when we focus solely on the pain we’ve caused each other—whether through words or actions, intentionally or through indifference. It becomes difficult when we suppress this pain, fail to share it, and neglect both reparations and forgiveness. However, the path becomes easier when we emphasize the love that once existed and still exists among us—our shared families, common values, and proud history. This is precisely what the opposition stands against,” Papuashvili stated.

He concluded by asserting that the opposition has shown no capacity for constructive engagement in the constitutional process needed for national unity. Therefore, he emphasized that securing a constitutional majority for the Georgian Dream is crucial for achieving this goal.