Speaker: On April 14, 1978, Georgians united and saved its mother tongue
Speaker: On April 14, 1978, Georgians united and saved its mother tongue

“On April 14, 1978, the Georgian nation united and defended its identity, saved its mother tongue as the cornerstone of its life and existence,” said the chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili.

As Shalva Papuashvili pointed out, “Before and after, we have faced this great test many times, to protect our identity and freedom.”

According to the Speaker, “there was and is always a choice, then and today, between keeping your pillars and entrusting your fate to someone else.

“History does repeat itself. Language, faith, and the state all needed to be preserved at various points in time, and occasionally all three at once. The Georgian people fought a long and difficult war for freedom in order to safeguard all three, for no nation can exist without identity. And there is no state without sovereignty,” Papuashvili declared.

On April 14, Georgian marks Mother Language Day.