Speaker: New door opened leading to start of negotiations
Speaker: New door opened leading to start of negotiations

“Georgia has made sufficient progress to be granted candidate status. A new door has been opened leading to the next stage, the start of negotiations,” says Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.

Papuashvili claims that the opposition “has no idea” how recommendations are implemented.

“During a year and a half, they showed us how they imagine it – with debauchery, radicalism, sabotage, and boycott. Thank God they don’t have the reins of government. Georgian Dream understands how recommendations are put into action, which is why we have such a result. The European Union, the European Commission said in its recommendation that the issue of 12 points is closed,” Papuashvili noted.

The Speaker also stated that the European Union does not request that Georgia impose sanctions on Russia “since the European Union should have provided security assurances in this circumstance.”

“We stated that we will not join the sanctions; this is the will and interest of the Georgian people. That is why we operate in the best interests of the Georgian people,” Papuashvili stated.