Speaker: Fragility of peace and duty of leaders to prevent war must never be forgotten
Speaker: Fragility of peace and duty of leaders to prevent war must never be forgotten

“Today, we remember the soldiers and civilians who died in the August war and the difficult days we all experienced 16 years ago,” said Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili at Mukhatgverdi Brothers’ Cemetery.

He stressed the importance of recognizing how fragile the line between war and peace is.

“Our heroic soldiers, who fought on the front lines, the civilians caught in the conflict, and the entire nation, which suffered greatly from the aggression against Georgia, are in our thoughts. We recall August 2008, a time when happy vacation days turned into tragedy. We must never forget the fragility of peace and the responsibility of political leaders to prevent war. This is the commitment that the Georgian Dream has upheld over the past 12 years,” stated Papuashvili.