Speaker: EU Parliament elections reflect national interests prioritizing trend
Speaker: EU Parliament elections reflect national interests prioritizing trend

“The main message of the European Parliament elections is that the agreement on common European interests should stem from the national interests of individual countries, rather than the other way around,” the Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili told journalists.

Papuashvili noted that the elections highlighted a shift towards prioritizing national interests, particularly among the youth.

“The European Parliament’s function within the European Union entails less political weight than other EU structures. However, recent trends indicate a shift towards more conservative parties.

The significance lies in the outcomes within individual member states. For instance, France’s results prompted early elections, and the prime minister of Belgium resigned. In Germany, the ruling coalition secured lower rankings, reflecting public evaluation of governmental policies, particularly in foreign affairs.

Hence, national governments must heed their populations’ sentiments and evaluations. There’s a noticeable inclination towards conservative approaches and traditional values, suggesting fatigue with prevalent neoliberal approaches. Notably, young Europeans increasingly advocate for conservative approaches. These elections underscore youth prioritizing their country’s interests and aligning them with broader European objectives.

Therefore, the primary takeaway is that those agreements on common European interests should originate from national interests rather than vice versa,” he stated.