Speaker criticizes opposition TV outlets for misinterpreting GD Chair's remark over Transparency bill
Speaker criticizes opposition TV outlets for misinterpreting GD Chair's remark over Transparency bill

“I have seen Irakli Garibashvili’s (GD Chair) remark and saw its misinterpretation, manipulation and disinformation on the part of opposition TV channels,” said Georgian Parliament Speaker, Shalva Papuashvili. 

According to the Speaker, what the opposition TV outlets reported was not only a violation of journalistic standards, but reporting of lies. 

“Televisions of the radical United National Movement went so far with manipulations that decided to portray black from white. I have seen Irakli Garibashvili’s (GD Chair) remark and saw its misinterpretation, manipulation and disinformation on the part of opposition TV channels. This was not only a violation of journalistic standards, but reporting of lies. However, last night we saw such a performance that nothing surprises us after that. 

We have one opinion, both the GD and Georgian society. It is important that the money, which inflows in Georgia is clear and transparent for the Georgian people. I don’t think there can be a person on the planet who would say that money coming from abroad should be hidden,” he said. 

Speaking about the bill On Transparency of Foreign Influence, the Chairman of the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party, Irakli Garibashvili, said: “This is my personal opinion, not the opinion of the party, I, as a citizen, do not support when pursuing foreign interests is legalized. It represents a betrayal of our country’s interests. No matter which country’s agent, be it Russia, the US, Africa or Asia, the agent is an agent. The activity of the agent is punishable. This is treachery.”