Speaker criticizes opposition for lack of engagement on Family Values bill
Speaker criticizes opposition for lack of engagement on Family Values bill

“The opposition’s behaviour demonstrates their dependence on external influences. During the constitutional discussions, they didn’t even dare to take a firm stance,” the Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili criticized the opposition for their lack of engagement during the discussion of the draft law On Family Values and Protection of Minors.

Papuashvili noted that most of the opposition MPs would not attend today’s discussion, suggesting their absence reflects their stance on the issue.

He praised the Girchi opposition party for their participation.

“The absence of most of the opposition members from the discussion shows their position,” Papuashvili said.

“Thanks to Girchi for attending and actively participating. The opposition’s behaviour demonstrates their dependence on external influences. During the constitutional discussions, they didn’t even dare to take a firm stance. For instance, Shalva Kereselidze from the For Georgia party initially expressed support for the bill as a family man but later aligned with the party’s anti-law stance, indicating internal censorship or political pressure.”

The Speaker said that the opposition would face a clear response from the public on October 26, referencing the empty seats as symbolic of their detachment from local interests.

The discussion is underway as the parliament considers the On Family Values and Protection of Minors bill with its second reading.