Prosecution indicts nine people over Vake park tragedy
Prosecution indicts nine people over Vake park tragedy

The General Prosecutor’s Office indicted nine people in the Vake Park Fountain case, alleging negligence, violating safety rules, and fabricating documents.

The plaintiffs are the Director of Green Service+, a representative of the subcontractor company New Metal Design, the Director and an expert of Mshen Expert, and two workers. The Prosecutor’s Office will apply with the court to have them imprisoned.

The prosecution also released a videotape portraying work at the Vake Park’s fountain during the briefing. The agency stated that evidence and paperwork had been seized and that any of those found guilty would face serious legal consequences.

Three teenagers were electrocuted while attempting to retrieve a ball that had fallen into the Vake Park fountain on October 13. One died, while two were hospitalized.