PM views free travel opportunities for convicts across Europe  as unacceptable
PM views free travel opportunities for convicts across Europe as unacceptable

“It is unacceptable that convicts have the opportunity of free travel across Europe and are hosted in Brussels and Berlin,” said Georgian Prime Minister, Irakli Kobakhidze.

According to the PM, the Georgian government had to react adequately to the meetings held within the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany involving Zurab Adeishvili (wanted former Georgian Prosecutor General).

According to Irakli Kobakhidze, Zurab Adeishvili is convicted for high-profile crimes including business racketeering, seizure of TV stations, torture, violence and murders.

“It is categorically unacceptable for us when such a person is part of the delegation in Brussels, Berlin. Of course, such facts negatively impact the mood of the public towards the European bureaucracy. The Georgian society must believe that the European bureaucracy is loyal to such principles and ideals as the rule of law,” he said.

The PM noted that the government communicated with EU, and German authorities to convey its concern. In Irakli Kobakhidze’s words, the visit to Brussels served as an attack on European values.

“A visit to Brussels is an attack on European values, including the principles of legal state and the rule of law. Therefore, we voiced the stance that we had to express,” Kobakhidze said.

Georgian government released a statement on Monday saying hosting Zurab Adeishvili (Georgia’s wanted former Prosecutor General) in the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany “undermines the perception that European bureaucracy remains loyal to the ideals of a legal statehood.”