PM urges opposition to halt masquerade and enter parliament 
PM urges opposition to halt masquerade and enter parliament 

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili said the radical opposition’s attack on EU High Representative Josep Borrell demonstrates who we are dealing with.

PM noted that the opposition has two options. “First is to consider strategic partners calls to enter parliament and end the artificially created crisis, masquerade. Or the second, if they continue following destructive course and do not distance themselves from Saakashvili’s radical policy, they will have to embark on marginalization path,” he noted.

As to the opposition’s plans to hold protest rallies two months later, PM believes radical opposition is in total confusion. “This indicates that their own supporters will no longer attend their rallies. This shows they are in a catastrophic situation,” Garibashvili said.

The opposition announced a mass protest following the failed talks with the government on March 19. The opposition plans to work in an emergency style for the next two months and tour around the country.