PM says radical opposition lacks intellectual resources
PM says radical opposition lacks intellectual resources

“The radical opposition was not brave enough to attend the sitting, enter into debates,” said Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze, delivering an annual report to the parliament.

According to the Prime Minister, the radical opposition lacks intellectual resources, and the truth is not on their side. The Prime Minister offered them four opportunities to come to the Parliament and debate with him in an interpellation format, but they did not dare to send a letter requesting the interpellation. Now, during the mandatory annual report discussion, they demonstrated no courage to enter into debates here either.

“This demonstrates two things. Firstly, they have limited intellectual resources, and secondly, the truth is not in their favour. The truth is on our side, which is why the radical opposition lacks the courage to engage in debates with the ruling Georgian Dream team. The decision is up to them, but we are obligated to inform society about the government’s activities over the past year,” he said.