PM: Non-transparency of NGOs funding creates fertile ground for constant instability which is unacceptable
PM: Non-transparency of NGOs funding creates fertile ground for constant instability which is unacceptable

“It is important now to get over the small difficulties, the small turbulence this year, during these weeks, to calm down the country in the long run,” – Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze said in an interview with “Imedis Kvira”.

According to the head of the government, “the non-transparency of non-governmental organizations’ funding creates a fertile ground for constant instability, which is categorically unacceptable.”

“I understand that there is an agitation, including among donors, and nobody is happy about transparency. Therefore, this pressure has its specific subjective-objective reason, so I would say, they don’t like transparency, although this is a sign for us that specific forces wanted to continue working this way with this country, which is categorically unacceptable for us,” said the Prime Minister.