PM: MEGOBARI Act conveys blackmail
PM: MEGOBARI Act conveys blackmail

“The MEGOBARI Act adopted by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States House of Representatives directly conveys blackmail,” Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze told the media.

The Prime Minister suggested that the MEGOBARI Act should be referred to as the “relentless MEGOBARI Act.”

“This Act should not be the MEGOBARI Act but the relentless MEGOBARI Act since it directly conveys blackmail. This is not a step that would contribute to the Georgia-US relations review, considering that many things went worse in these relations in the last 3-4 years if recalling statements made by former ambassadors.

In this situation, we need responsible steps to review the relations. We will be waiting for pragmatic, fair, and friendly steps. As for sanctions, speaking in this tone is counter-productive. Instead of using blackmail and threats, we should engage in constructive discussions to improve these relations,” the PM said.

The MEGOBARI Act envisages sanctions against Georgian officials responsible for undermining Georgia’s democracy.