PM Kobakhidze considers upcoming elections as referendum on war vs peace and propaganda vs values
PM Kobakhidze considers upcoming elections as referendum on war vs peace and propaganda vs values

“No election to date has been as fundamental as this one. This is a kind of referendum between war and peace, between propaganda and traditional values,” Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze told journalists in Bakhmaro.

According to the head of government, making a choice is simple – the choice should be made in favour of peace, morality, and the country’s bright future.

“Active work has already begun in the region. In the coming days, we will also name all eight delegates in Tbilisi, and accordingly, the campaign will be fully engaged in Tbilisi as well. Everything will be done to convey our messages to the public fully. Naturally, we have been doing this throughout this period. Still, the election campaign allows you to go directly to the citizens and talk about issues related to the development of our country.

These elections are extremely critical. All previous ballots were essential, but I would still say that no election to date has been as fundamental as this one. This is a kind of referendum between war and peace, a referendum between propaganda and traditional values, and, in reality, making a choice here is simple – the choice should be made in favour of peace, morality, and the country’s bright future,” the Prime Minister stated.