PM hopes Georgia to elect GD party of peace for 9th time on October 26
PM hopes Georgia to elect GD party of peace for 9th time on October 26

“I am convinced, on October 26, Georgia will elect the Georgian Dream party of peace for the 9th time, which will guarantee Georgia’s peaceful and rapid development,” said Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze at the party regional pre-election meeting in Ozurgeti, Guria.

According to the PM, the October 26 elections will be a decisive referendum where voters will choose between war and peace.

“The October 26 elections will be a decisive referendum where voters will choose between war and peace, moral destruction and traditional values, dark past and bright and European future. Georgia needs independence, while independent Georgia- sovereign government,” he said.

Irakli Kobakhidze remarked that Georgia necessitates peace, progress and development instead of destruction.

“We should remember that any development is impossible if we do not have peace and calmness in the country. Locals of Guria best know the value of peace. Therefore, the choice on October 26 should be, foremost, made in favor of peace.

I am convinced that Georgia on October 26, will elect the Georgian Dream party of peace for the 9th time, which will guarantee Georgia’s peaceful and rapid development. Twenty-six is our date and Georgia will win on October 26,” Irakli Kobakhidze stated.