PM: Gov't successfully avoided war, guided country towards peace through wise, firm policy
PM: Gov't successfully avoided war, guided country towards peace through wise, firm policy

“We must say with pride that our decisions were based solely on our country’s and people’s interests. We avoided the biggest ordeal for our people and country, we avoided war and peacefully, wisely, and firmly led our country to the peace process,” stated Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, while presenting the government’s performance report for 2023.

The PM expressed gratitude to the current government for avoiding war and making decisions in the country’s best interest.

“We are well aware and have been openly deliberating with our population about the risks we face. The threat was quite real. It was not imaginary. There was a threat of destabilization of the country. Radical groups and hostile forces operating inside the country were directly interested in getting the country into this war situation. I won’t remind you of the facts; we all know everything well.

Therefore, our government has made decisions based on the country’s and our people’s best interests. Despite the potential for the country to be attacked and for war to break out, we avoided and averted this greatest ordeal. We avoided the war and led our country to peace peacefully, wisely, and firmly. We gained this victory together.

Of course, I am far from the opinion that these risks have been completely neutralized. Naturally, these risks have gone nowhere. We assess the risks with the utmost caution and intelligence, identify threats, take appropriate precautions, and protect the population of our country, our people, our country,” the PM declared.

Garibashvili also emphasized continuous coordination with international partners to address challenges and keep them informed about the country’s goals and policies.

“I would like to point out that we have not, for a minute, lost our efforts to coordinate with our international partners; on the contrary, we openly cooperated with our friendly partner states on a 24-hour basis. We were in full coordination, and the real supporters of our country, partners of our country, European and Western American friends are fully informed about the policy tasks and goals of our government, and there are no more questions,” the PM added.