PM: Georgia supported over 600 acts in support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, condemning Russian aggression
PM: Georgia supported over 600 acts in support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, condemning Russian aggression

“We have supported over 600 decisions and acts in different formats and resolutions in support of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and in condemning Russian military aggression. Our political stance is clear and firm,” Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze told reporters in Berlin, Germany.

According to the PM, the volume of humanitarian aid is “quite broad.”

“Here, we mean the humanitarian aid sent to Ukraine from Georgia. We still host approximately 26,000 refugees and provide them with free services. We especially care for Ukrainian children. They receive free education, including in the Ukrainian language. It is our responsibility and duty before the Ukrainian people. We must support the Ukrainian people, and participation in this conference demonstrates this solidarity,” he said.

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze participates in the Ukraine Restoration Conference (URC2024) in Berlin on June 11-12 alongside world leaders.