PM: Dignity brings peace, peace brings prosperity, and prosperity brings Georgia's bright, European future
PM: Dignity brings peace, peace brings prosperity, and prosperity brings Georgia's bright, European future

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze serving as head of the Georgian Dream party’s election headquarters addressed the populace at the pre-election regional meeting in Telavi, Kakheti, and remarked that the progress that Georgia achieved in the last 12 years in all directions is the merit of the democratic transformation of 2012.

According to the PM, the GD put an end to human murders and tortures, reduced the number of prisoners, and liberated businesses from racketeering and media from pressure.

“We hold free and fair elections, Georgian economy increased from GEL 28 billion up to GEL 90 billion, the state budget went up from GEL 8.5 billion to GEL 30.8; state healthcare insurance was activated and pensions tripled, social protection packages increased and the pace for building roads, schools, kindergartens and other infrastructure accelerated.

Annually, agriculture programs are financed by more than GEL 300 million which is significant for Kakheti locals; the area of ​​vineyards expanded by 70% since 2012 and the rate of grape processing has increased 5 times. Export of Georgian wine increased 4 times.

If the revenues of grape growers amounted to GEL 71, 5 million, last year, the farmers received the 300-million-GEL worth harvest. This figure goes higher this year; unemployment was reduced by half across the country; 680,000 people have overcome poverty.

The Georgian Dream is the only government after the restoration of independence, which experienced no war in the country, despite sabotage or artificial barriers. We managed to grant Georgia with the EU candidate country status,” Kobakhidze said.

The Prime Minister emphasized that dignity brings peace, peace brings prosperity, and prosperity brings Georgia’s bright, European future.

“We should remember that the October 26 election is a referendum where the Georgian people have to decide between war and peace, choose the slavery of external forces or state independence, vote in favor of immoral propaganda or traditional values, elect dark past or bright future.

I am confident that Kakheti and the entire Georgia will choose peace, independence, traditional values and Georgia’s bright future. This is the option, which has no alternative,” Irakli Kobakhidze concluded.