PM: Decisive referendum will be held on October 26 where peace over war must prevail
PM: Decisive referendum will be held on October 26 where peace over war must prevail

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said on Sunday “The country is awaiting the most important parliamentary elections, in October.”

In his speech at a pre-election meeting in Ambrolauri, the PM went on to say that, “a referendum, just as important as it was in 2012, will take place on October 26.”

Kobakhidze believes it will be “a decisive referendum where peace over war must prevail; peace and Georgia’s bright, European future will surely win.”

“At that time [in 2012], the Georgian people chose democracy, freedom, and pragmatic policy, which led Georgia to evolve in all directions.

This is a referendum in which the Georgian people must choose between war and peace, agent rule and democratic Georgian sovereignty, blasphemous propaganda and moral principles, the return of Georgia’s dark past and its bright, European future. In this circumstance, you agree with me, it is quite easy to choose,” Kobakhidze stated.

The Prime Minister noted that the country has made “significant gains” during the last 12 years.

“Despite the most arduous obstacles and pressures, we have preserved 12 years of peace. The Georgian Dream is the only government since Georgia’s independence that has not fought a war,” the Prime Minister stated.

According to the head of government, Georgia’s development should continue.