PM: Business pressure and intimidation have ended
PM: Business pressure and intimidation have ended

“Before 2012, there were approximately 10,000 cases of businesspersons transferring their property to the state; no such cases have occurred since then. This indicates that pressure and intimidation against businesses are over, or perhaps our business community is no longer as compliant as before 2012,” stated Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze during his speech at the Business Association Conference.

According to the Prime Minister, the government is committed to fostering the development of businesses in Georgia.

“Everyone remembers the climate surrounding business freedom before 2012, marked by significant pressure and direct terror against entrepreneurs. Thousands of business owners were coerced into transferring their property to the state or other private entities.

As I mentioned, there were around 10,000 instances before 2012 of property being transferred to the state; however, we have seen no such occurrences since then. This signifies an end to pressure and intimidation in business or possibly a shift in the willingness of our business leaders to tolerate as they did in the past.

Today, businesses operate freely. There is no pressure; on the contrary, the government is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of enterprises in our country,” he concluded.