Penitentiary Service: Polish doctor tried to sneak out Saakashvili's sample in shoes
Penitentiary Service: Polish doctor tried to sneak out Saakashvili's sample in shoes

The Special Penitentiary Service on Friday released a statement and video footage showing a Polish doctor “trying to sneak out the paper-wrapped sample taken from the jailed ex-president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili in his shoes.”

The Service added that the visiting physicians were authorized to take the sample. “Hence, the doctor’s action, which is inconsistent with medical ethical and legal norms, adds even more ambiguity.”

It added that the physician was requested to submit an explanation “that cannot be stated rationally.

For the record, a foreign medical mission is visiting Georgia to examine Mikheil Saakashvili at the Vivamed clinic. They will stay in the country until they receive enough data and information to assess Saakashvili’s health in full.