Party registration for  October Elections concludes, CEC says
Party registration for October Elections concludes, CEC says

The registration process of political parties for the October 26 Parliamentary Elections of Georgia is concluded. 27 political parties have registered at the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia.

According to the CEC, the next stage for the political parties includes the submission of the party lists on no later than September 26.

“Pursuant to the applicable law, an election subject shall submit its party list to the CEC Chairperson no later than the 30th Day prior to the Elections Day. Each political party has the right to submit one party list. Number of the candidates for the membership of the Parliament of Georgia shall not be less than 30 and shall not exceed 200. It is prohibited to include one candidate in the various party lists. Following submission of the party lists, procedures for examination of the submitted documentation and registration will commence,” reads the CEC statement.