Parliament passes legislative revisions to Anti-Corruption Bureau with first reading
Parliament passes legislative revisions to Anti-Corruption Bureau with first reading

In line with the EC’s proposed recommendations, the Georgian parliament passed the legislative amendments to the Anti-Corruption Bureau with eighty-four votes in favour and one against on Wednesday.

Opposition MPs slammed the proposals, claiming that “nothing would change.”

Based on the proposed amendments, the Anti-Corruption Bureau will oversee the implementation of the national anti-corruption strategy in the fight against corruption. It will keep a close eye on the operations of relevant entities and organizations. The Bureau will be held responsible in front of the parliament and an interagency anti-corruption council.

The Bureau Head, who will be chosen through an open competition, will be responsible for submitting annual reports. The competition commission will shortlist the applicants and then present the list to the Prime Minister. The PM will choose and approve the candidate.