Georgian Parliament passes Family Values Bill in final reading
Georgian Parliament passes Family Values Bill in final reading

The Georgian Parliament has adopted the legislative package “On Family Values and Protection of Minors” in its third reading, securing 84 votes in favour. The bill was presented by Rati Ionatamishvili, the chair of the Human Rights Protection and Civil Integration Committee.

“This initiative clearly distinguishes between those who prioritize the best interests of society and those who pursue external agendas. It differentiates between individuals who genuinely care about protecting human rights and those who attempt to promote harmful propaganda. The legislation aims to protect minors from detrimental influences, as some advocate for issues such as sex reassignment surgeries and the inclusion of LGBT materials in schools and kindergartens. It is evident that the opposition has distanced itself from Parliament due to its position on this initiative,” Ionatamishvili stated, emphasizing that the initiative reflects the values demanded by Georgian society.

The newly adopted law addresses several critical areas, including marriage, adoption, foster care, medical procedures that alter biological sex, the designation of gender on official documents, and education. It also regulates matters related to public demonstrations and labour relations and introduces enforcement mechanisms to ensure the effective implementation of the law.

Furthermore, the bill establishes May 17 as a day dedicated to the sanctity of the family and respect for parents.

The law defines marriage as a voluntary union between two individuals of different biological sexes for family creation. It explicitly prohibits the recognition or registration of any other type of union as marriage under Georgian law.

The Georgian Dream faction introduced this legislative package on June 4.