Paata Manjgaladze: We all must do everything to liberate Georgia from GD regime
Paata Manjgaladze: We all must do everything to liberate Georgia from GD regime

Paata Manjgaladze, one of the leaders of the Unity-National Movement, made a statement regarding the presentation of the ruling party’s top electoral list, emphasizing the need to free Georgia from the current regime. He argued that voting for the Georgian Dream is equivalent to rejecting Europe.

“I am confident that the people will celebrate a victory on October 26 over the corrupt regime that has been robbing the people for 12 years, depriving the country of the opportunity for European integration and prosperity. The inclusion of Ivanishvili on the Georgian Dream list shows that they fear defeat. Their list does not matter. A vote for this government is a vote against Europe, prosperity, and 14 billion euros in aid for Georgia.

We must all do everything possible to liberate Georgia from this regime and allow our Olympians, who are now part of the GD list, to return to what they excel at. Voting for the opposition means choosing Europe, 14 billion euros in aid, prosperity, and unity. Voting for the Georgian Dream means division, poverty, more emigration,” said Paata Manjgaladze.