MP Chikovani: No room for unrest, society to respond by 2024 vote
MP Chikovani: No room for unrest, society to respond by 2024 vote

During a plenary session, Irakli Chikovani, the parliamentary majority member, addressed the challenges associated with the beginning of the new political season and cautioned against the potential exploitation of this period by radical political forces to create tension.

“As we enter a new political season, it is evident that certain radical political forces may attempt to exploit this crucial period to create tension within the country. These forces want chaos, seeking to change the government in this way, as they lack the means to do so through elections,” he remarked.

Chikovani noted that the United States, the European Union, and European states have been faithful international partners for Georgia since its independence. However, he expressed concerns about recent footage and stressed the need for further clarification.

Regarding the EU recommendations and achieving candidate status, Chikovani highlighted the shared responsibility of the government and the opposition.

“The government is actively working towards securing the status, and the opposition, as repeatedly highlighted by our international partners, also plays a crucial role. I call upon them to take this commitment seriously.

There will be no possibility of unrest in this country. The Georgian society will cast its decisions in the upcoming 2024 parliamentary elections,” Irakli Chikovani concluded.