Motorcycles and mopeds may be allowed on bus lanes
Motorcycles and mopeds may be allowed on bus lanes

Georgian Dream MPs have initiated changes allowing motorcycles and mopeds to use bus lanes. The proposal was discussed at today’s Bureau session.

According to the MPs, this practice is common in several European cities, including Vienna, Madrid, and Barcelona.

“In Stockholm, Sweden, the policy started as a test. Once it was evident that traffic accidents decreased and safety improved, it became permanent. One key factor is that other road users find it easier to see motorcycles and mopeds, which significantly reduces traffic accidents.

Additionally, allowing these vehicles to move swiftly in bus lanes reduces harmful emissions,” the initiators stated.

The proposal includes penalties for violations. Vehicles classified under M3, N2, N3, and T categories using bus lanes outside designated times and places will face a fine of 1,000 GEL. Repeated offences will incur a fine of 3,000 GEL.