Mamuka Bakhtadze: Our opponents are not ashamed when giving grandmothers and grandfathers false promise about GEL 400 pension
Mamuka Bakhtadze: Our opponents are not ashamed when giving grandmothers and grandfathers false promise about GEL 400 pension

Our opponents are not ashamed when giving our grandmothers and grandfathers false promise as if their pensions will rise to GEL 400, – Georgia’s Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze said at a press conference before the governmental session.

According to him, the raising pension up to 400 GEL is mathematically impossible.

“I would like to take a chance and respond to the false promise regarding the 400 GEL pension. If our opponents cannot calculate, I can send them calculators, because it means an additional GEL 2 billion, which is more than the total salaries of doctors, soldiers, policemen, teachers and all agencies.

Our opponents are not ashamed when giving our grandmothers and grandfathers false promise as if their pensions will rise to GEL 400. Such raise is mathematically impossible”, – Mamuka Bakhtadze said