James O’Brien: It is clear what Georgian people want, it’s clear what policy of Georgian government is
James O’Brien: It is clear what Georgian people want, it’s clear what policy of Georgian government is

“It is clear what the Georgian people want, it’s clear what the policy of the Georgian Government is,” said U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O’Brien at the briefing.

According to James O’Brien, the latest steps of the Georgian government raises a question if it wants to move forward.

“On Georgia, as I’ve said, it’s clear what the Georgian people want, it’s clear what the policy of the Georgian Government is.  It’s unfortunate that a set of specific actions recently – particularly violence and threats to civil society and occasionally opposition politicians, a law that’s intended to stigmatize the very groups that help Georgia prepare for its European and transatlantic aspirations – that these specific actions have led us to question whether the current leadership is interested in moving forward.  So our focus is on the specific actions that they are taking and the hope that they will realize that their own people want to be sure that they continue on the path toward Europe and NATO,” he said.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State added the Georgian people were very clear that they wanted o see further integration to Europe and transatlantic operations.