Health Minister announces fivefold increase in oncology service funding
Health Minister announces fivefold increase in oncology service funding

The government has taken significant steps to enhance accessibility to oncology services, a trend that should continue, stated Georgia’s Minister of Health Mikheil Sarjveladze during the presentation of the report “On Accessibility to Oncology Services in Georgia.”

According to the Minister, funding for oncology services has increased fivefold in recent years, reaching hundreds of millions of GEL.

“This trend must persist until every patient is satisfied with received care. The current trajectory is promising, and our efforts aim to ensure that economic growth benefits the social projects we value. I am particularly pleased that today’s presentation coincides with World Patient Safety Day.”

He emphasized, “In the realm of oncology, the safety, interests, health, and lives of patients are of utmost importance.”

World Patient Safety Day, observed annually on September 17, was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness about patient safety, promote improvements in healthcare safety, and encourage collaboration among stakeholders for safer healthcare practices.