Head of Government Administration deems decision made by Ukrainian President on Ambassador’s recalling as “incomprehensible”
Head of Government Administration deems decision made by Ukrainian President on Ambassador’s recalling as “incomprehensible”

“Decision made by the President of Ukraine on recalling the Ambassador of Ukraine from Georgia is incomprehensible. Irrespective of this decision, Georgia continues and will further provide political support and humanitarian aid to Ukraine within its capacity,” said Ilia Darchiashvili, Head of the Government Administration.

According to Ilia Darchiashvili, the sterling position of the Government of Georgia remains unchanged: supporting the people of Ukraine and maintaining peace and stability in Georgia.

“We wish to explain to the general public that – unfortunately – attempts and provocations to drag Georgia into the war are not ceasing and this process is directly masterminded by a destructive opposition and the United National Movement (UNM). The referred process is aimed at inviting military activities on the territory of our country. It is a process masterminded by the destructive opposition and its members stationed both in Tbilisi and Kyiv.

Showcase attempt to send a charter flight of volunteers yesterday to Ukraine was provocative. It was also prearranged by the UNM. It was meant to be an indirect involvement of Georgia in the military activities. Our sterling position remains unchanged: we are keen to support the people of Ukraine and to maintain peace and stability in Georgia.

Once again, we wish to remind you that the Ambassador of Georgia and embassy staff are among the few, who did not leave Kyiv and continue their work in Ukraine. Georgia has been demonstrating political support to Ukraine at the international arena from day one and has been providing humanitarian aid to the country. Under the instructions of the Prime Minister of Georgia, humanitarian aid in the volume of 100 tons has been sent to Ukraine.

Also, citizens of Ukraine who happen to be in Georgia are eagerly provided with every support possible. The Ambassador of Ukraine to Georgia was informed about it and gratitude was expressed for the provided support in the name of Ukraine by the Ambassador. Georgia continues to demonstrate its political and humanitarian support to Ukraine and it is the maximum that a country can do, which has undergone a war in 2008 and 20% of whose land is occupied by Russia. Even indirect engagement of Georgia in the military activities would lead to irreparable consequences to our country.

By taking into account all the aforesaid, the decision made by the President of Ukraine on recalling the Ambassador of Ukraine from Georgia is incomprehensible. Irrespective of this decision, Georgia continues and will further provide political support and humanitarian aid to Ukraine within its capacity” Ilia Darchiashvili stated.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recalled Ukraine’s ambassador to Georgia, Igor Dolgov for consultations on Tuesday.