GYLA: Georgian NGOs prepare a lawsuit to be filed in Constitutional Court and ECHR
GYLA: Georgian NGOs prepare a lawsuit to be filed in Constitutional Court and ECHR

“Georgian non-governmental organizations are preparing a lawsuit to be submitted to the Constitutional Court. At the same time, we are preparing to submit a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights,” the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) outlined in its statement.

“We affirm our commitment to resisting the imposition of Russian-style laws and will use all domestic and international legal mechanisms until the law is repealed unequivocally.

To this end, we are preparing a lawsuit to be submitted to the Constitutional Court of Georgia shortly. The Constitutional Court holds the constitutional authority to suspend the operation of relevant clauses and articles.

If the Constitutional Court fail to act promptly and within the bounds of the Constitution, we will pursue alternative legal avenues.

Additionally, we are preparing to lodge a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights, which we will initiate at the appropriate time.

We welcome all non-governmental organizations and media outlets to join us in this endeavour,” the statement reads.