Government to subsidize Rkatsiteli and Kakhuri Mtsvane grapes cost
Government to subsidize Rkatsiteli and Kakhuri Mtsvane grapes cost

Georgian government will subsidize Rkatsiteli and Kakhuri Mtsvane grapes cost by 20 Tetris this year, said Otar Shamugia, Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture.

The minister spoke about preparations for the 2023 vintage and the opportunity for Georgian entrepreneurs to have access to the world markets at the meeting chaired by Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili.

“We are carrying out an active campaign for the promotion of Georgian wine in priority markets, as a result of which, during the last period, we have a significant increase in export figures. Last year we had a growth of up to 30% and we will maintain this dynamic this year. We have an increase in the export of alcoholic beverages as well,” the minister said.

Otar Shamugia explained that those plants, which will receive Rkatsiteli and Kakhuri Mtsvane grapes at the price of 90 Tetris per kilogram will receive a subsidy from the government in the amount of 20 Tetris.