Georgia’s neutrality not considered, First Vice-Speaker says
Georgia’s neutrality not considered, First Vice-Speaker says

Georgia will not consider neutrality since it puts much effort and human resources in strengthening the country’s international course, said Gia Volski, First Vice-Speaker of the Georgian Parliament.

According to Volski, no step should be taken backwards, and no decision should be made without prior consulting with international partners.

Vice Speaker underlined that Georgia and NATO have a long history of relations. Georgia is the largest contributor to NATO among non-member states, while global security claimed the lives of way too many people.

“It is irrelevant to discuss the Kremlin’s demands. Together with our partners, we should make it clear and stand together in future. When speaking about NATO membership, we hope that this path will be secure for us because our partners are capable ensure security for our country,” he argued.

Gia Volski said the NATO integration process might protract, but Georgia should not swerve from this path. He accused the opposition of speculating about neutrality, using it for its interests.

Member of the Girchi party Sandro Rakviashvili said neutrality was a “fiction,” and Georgia could not be a neutral country.

“Speaking about neutrality is an attack on Georgian statehood and sovereignty, said opposition MP Salome Samadashvili.