Georgian Embassy in Germany: Author of interview with Medoev is pro-Russian organization member, the edition is left-radical with low circulation
Georgian Embassy in Germany: Author of interview with Medoev is pro-Russian organization member, the edition is left-radical with low circulation

In connection to the interview of German newspaper Neues Deutschland with the representative of the Tskhinvali occupation regime Dimitri Medoev, the embassy had communicated with the editorial and informed it about the legal status of the Tskhinvali region in detail, – the Georgian embassy in Germany released this statement.

In an interview with Neues Deutschland, de facto Foreign Minister of occupied Tskhinvali region, Dimitri Medoev, states that “Kazbegi is a historical east part of Ossetia, this is a clear position of the leaders of the Republic of South Ossetia and sooner or later these territories will be returned to Ossetian people.”

According to the information of the Georgian Embassy, the author of the interview, journalist David Noack  (David X. Noack) publishes articles mainly in left-wing editions and is a member and an active supporter of the organization Berlin Friends of Russian People since 2012.

“As for the edition, Neues Deutschland is a low-circulation media outlet. Various state agencies (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz) consider it as an edition, which clearly shows the leftist radical inclination.

This newspaper’s articles have a positive attitude towards Russia and justify Russia’s aggressive actions and hegemonic attitudes towards post-Soviet state”, – the Georgian Embassy in Germany states.