Georgian delegation participated in UN 17th Assembly on Persons with disabilities
Georgian delegation participated in UN 17th Assembly on Persons with disabilities

“At the UN 17th Assembly on the Rights of Persons with Limited Physical Capabilities, the Georgian delegation was in the center of attention,” said Rati Ionatamishvili, Chair of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee summarizing the US visit on Facebook.

According to Ionatamishvili, the Georgian delegation held several positive and memorable meetings within the framework of the US visit and is returning to Georgia with new initiatives.

“It is significant that we familiarized 191 countries with the rights and humanitarian situation of Georgian, Abkhazian and Ossetian persons with disabilities residing across the occupied territories.

I know they heard us there too and they must know that we are thinking about them and we are worried about their fate. Also, we deepened cooperation with international actors in disability policy and identified specific ways of cooperation. I am returning to Georgia with new initiatives and attitudes.

P.S. Of course, no sanctions, only business,” he wrote.