Georgian Ambassador to Germany: Our tolerance is exemplary
Georgian Ambassador to Germany: Our tolerance is exemplary

Georgian Ambassador to Germany, Levan Izoria echoed the statement of Michael Roth, Foreign Relations Committee Chair of the German Bundestag.

According to the Ambassador, Michael Roth attempted to distance the Orthodox Church from the future generation.

“Dear Mr, Roth, criticism and disregard are two different things. You attempted to distance the Orthodox Church from the future generation. Our tolerance is exemplary in the entire world. Historically, this was laid the foundation in the church and will exist forever,” said Levan Izoria in his statement published on the Embassy’s webpage.

Michael Roth, Foreign Relations Committee Chair of the German Bundestag. posted on the social network which said: “All religions and parishioners should accept criticism. Some have no problems with this year, in my case this Georgian Orthodox Church and again and again Islam.”